Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Black Bat done by Lan Medina

Black Bat Script

The Black Bat Strikes!

Written by Eugene Booker
Edited Rev David Swallow


Panel 1 – Full page splash Establishing shot

We have a splash page of a Metropolis, what city is unknown, but it could be either Chicago or New York, Set in 1930’s America, an establishing shot of buildings in two point perspective that shows the sky line over the horizon of the city, with the moon out clear as night. Give it a German Expressionist feel to it, Frits Lang Metropolis or Edward Munch Scream painting, one of these particular building house the underworlds most notorious Mafia families. They have all convened there to put an end once and for all the hooded vigilante The Black Bat who has been messing with there rackets for months and it seems the police that are in there pockets cant seem to put a stop to him. The art deco style reference will be given at notice.

Panel 2 – Smaller panel on the bottom half of the page

Inside the building is a consortium of mafia types, from all walks of life. Some of the most notorious Mobsters of the tri state area, with Italian mobster and Jewish gangsters. At the table is scattered newspaper, coffee cups, with most smoking cigarettes and cigars. Among the most infamous lineup the whos who of the Italin Mob, Anthony (The Ant) Fontana, Niccolo (The Diplomat) Burroni, Giuseppe (The Gentleman) Scipione, Carmine Darco, Francesco Clemente, Salvatore (Big Sal) Gianni, Lorenzo Gravano, Giovanni (Pretty Boy) Romano, Puglisi(Pug Ugly) Bonazzi, Martilli (Consigliore) Marazanno and Matteo Vitture.


The beating heart of the Chicago crime Scene…


Panel 1

A mafia figure (Anthony) stands up with the look of disgust on his face as he overlooks a table of mafia figures, each looking rather unpleasant. He looks young, and has wide shoulders. He has a small mustache, with a mole, slick back hair, with a ring on his finger.

Anthony (The Ant) Fontana:

Maybe if you cuzmono’s would stand up and fight! It’s just a boy in panties playing cops fer cryin’ out loud!

Panel 2

A close up of a couple of mafia guys staring down Anthony with disrespect. They want to call him out, but remain quiet. You can see their frustrations on their faces. Anthony is striking his fist on the table with force.

Anthony (The Ant) Fontana:

We need to act now! Wipe the floor with this fannok! Capish!?!

Panel 3

A soft spoken, elderly mobster speaks out, interrupting Anthony.

Giuseppe (The Gentleman) Scipione:

Tony, you were only brought here to appease your father. Now show us and your pops some respect.

Panel 4

They all turn back around to convene on a recurring problem, The Black Bat. The room is dark and art deco. They are all sitting in designer chairs from the 30’s the room is looking like ala Godfather. Everyone is wearing 1930’s three piece suits with flare. Their facial expressions have a look of seriousness and contempt at the current situation. They are all worried that they will be next on The Black Bat hit list. There’s a feeling that he has made them his personal vendetta.


Puglisi (Pug Ugly) Bonazzi

Yeah he’s right, let’s get rid of ‘em all ready.

Lorenzo (Big Ears) Gravano

Hold on now. You all are out of pocket; Scipione is right, calm the young Turk

Giovanni (Pretty Boy) Romano:

No you holds on there piezanne, the kid is right!

Francesco Clemente:

Kill that black hooded bastard!

Panel 5

The head mafia guy stands up, and everyone else quiets down. Some have a look of shame, others are angry.

Giuseppe Scipione:

Of course we need to get rid of ‘em. What do you jamooks think we’re doing here, eh? We need to find out who this bastard is. Hit ‘em on his turf. Hit him were it hurts the most!


Panel 1

They speak more about the black bat. Where they have seen him at and what he was wearing and carrying as weapons. He’s looking for any kind of clue that would help. One mafia don says he will go first.

Giuseppe Scipione:

Now we need to fig’ya out what he’s got. What weapons he carries… where he comes from… I wanna know what this strunzo’s face looks like!

Matteo Vitture:

I gotta story to tell bout ‘em then Don…

Panel 2

We’re at a pier. It’s night time and foggy. A bunch of goons are bringing in bootleg liquor and drugs. The don is speaking in captions.

Matteo Vitture Caption:

So me and the boys were handling business as usual, export, import, you know. We were all armed to the teeth, prepared for any contingency or pigs to show up. Keeping on schedule…….

Panel 3

We see a dark figure looking at the gangsters, it’s the Black bat, you can barely see him, there but you can see his eyes. He has that predatory look on his face.

Matteo Vitture Caption:

…then this… thing, comes outta nowhere, like some mooley hiding in the shadows!
Panel 4

The Black bat drops a few guys, the rest of the gangsters are startled. The Mafia Don runs for cover, telling them to take him out.

Matteo Vitture CAPTION:

He just dropped two’a my guys in a flash! So naturally, we opened fire.

Matteo Vitture:

It’s the Black Bat!

Matteo Vitture:

(on the pier)
Whack the cocksucker already!


Panel 5

The Underboss runs and hides behind a car, hearing gunshots and fighting, he cowers like a baby. We see him having fear upon his face like hes the next victim. The people or onlookers watch some in delight some in horror.

Matteo Vitture Caption:

We musta dropped two hundread rounds in ‘em. He just moved around like the wind, taking us out one by one. Like some kinda shadow…

Panel 6

The Under Boss comes out of hiding to see the Black Bat has disappeared leaving a trail of bodies everywhere, with a Bat insignia, with this bat demon escaping.

Matteo Vitture CAPTION:

Then boom Bam, after the dust clears, he’s gone!?!

Panel 7

The all look at him with shock or flabbergasted that he just mysteriously escaped. Some people call out that he lied, or that he ran away.

Anthony (The Ant) Fontana

You just let him go!

Carmine Darco

I bet he just ran away. Matteo never was one fer a fight!

Francesco Clemente

He never even saw ‘em, just making that shit up!


Panel 1

The room erupts in chaos as they all start squabbling again. Another Don announces that he can vouch for him with his own story. Matteo stands up angrily to defend himself.

Lorenzo (Big Ears) Gravano

Musta had some kinda armor!

Giovanni (Pretty Boy) Romano

Fuckin’ poor shots, your whole crew…

Matteo Vitture:

I ain’t a coward, and I saw what I saw!

Carmine Darco:

I can vouch for him…

Panel 2

We’re in a dark alley, perhaps next to an empty park or other place where the competition is meeting, perhaps a street corner where they regularly sell drugs. This is the bad part of town, were the hoods congregate to do plenty of dirt, sell drugs, prostitution etc. Itts during the nighttime and the Black bat is out there keeping a close eye near the scene.

Carmine Darco CAPTION:

I sent two of my best guns to whack some punks selling tar on my street.

Panel 3

The assassins are driving in a car towards the drug dealers. They plan to pull a drive by, ala Saint Valentines Massacre. We see the Black Bat gliding down to land on top of their car.

Carmine Darco Caption:

They had the shits in site, everything was a go…

Panel 4

The black bat has landed on the car. He shoots the driver of the car from the roof crashes on it hard with impact.

Panel 5

The car veers out of control, as the black bat flips off the car. This is like a freeze from as his cape flows in the wind. The cars veers toward a or fire hydrant. Water spews everywhere, into the streets and on the car.
Car Sfx:
Panel 6

The black bat then unloads his guns into the car, as well as the “competition” they were sent to assassinate ala Saint Valentine Massacre. He siftly pounds them full of lead from his twin guns.

Carmine Darco CAPTION:

That fuckin’ Black Bat came outta nowhere and killed both my guys, and the punks I wanted hit!

Panel 7

Back at the meeting Carmine Darco holds up a news paper from the Times front cover that reads assassins assassinated.

Carmine Darco CAPTION:

If I knew he was gonna does that, I’d have just hired him to make the hit!
Panel 8

Back on the streets, we see the competing neighborhood underboss freaking out. The citizens are cheering in the streets and inside there building. The car has crashed, with the driver full of bullet holes, into a fire hydrant. There’s water spewing everywhere and the Black bat makes his escape.


Whoa, Yeaaah!


Those drug dealing scum are six feet deep!


Panel 1

The group is stunned by the last story. Half the people sit with their mouths hanging open. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to these attacks. Just then the consigliore walks in as they are talking and tells the Giuseppe that he has a phone call. Another mob guy stands up to tell a tale.

Martilli(The consigliore) Marazanno:

You have a phone call Mr. Scipione.

Giuseppe (The Gentleman) Scipione:

Not now, Put it on hold. Anyone else?

Giovanni (Pretty Boy) Romano:

He came after my underboss after hours.

Panel 2

We see the underboss in a room with his mistress. The room is barely lit, with the sliding door closed. The windows are open and wind is blowing the curtain, with incense and cigarette in the air. There clothed are on the floor. There is champagne spill on the floor, with the champagne bottle on the the desk inside a bucket of ice.

Giovanni (Pretty Boy) Romano:

Came after him in his own home, Dame rat bastard!

Panel 3

We see the black bat outside, through the window. The underboss is fooling around with the mistress. He stops because thinks he hears something.

Fat Tony:
Hey sweetness, hold on there a minute darling….

What is It Tony, why are you stopping for?

Fat Tony:
Did you hear that?

Panel 4

The mistress tells him it’s nothing, and asks him to continue. As such, he does.

Come on, keep going Tony!

Panel 5

Outside the room are a couple of guards. They jump up as they hear the mistress scream. The two guards are Pug Ugly and Giovoni Gravano.



Panel 6

They burst into the room and find the underboss dead. The mistress and her silk sheets are covered in blood. The black bat has left his sign.
Blood drips from the wall, on the sheets and on Susie, its spattered everywhere.

Im mean it was blood all over da place, me and Pugs rushed in as fast as we could after we heard dat scream, didn’t we Pugs.



Panel 7

Back to the room of mobsters, Giovanni insists that he must have access to personal aspects of their lives. There has to be a mole.


I mean we still can’t figure how he got in, because he definitely didn’t get by me and Pugs, and the balcony sliding door locks from the inside doesn’t make any sense unless he knew something in advance?


Panel 1

Another mobster protests at the accusation. He doesn’t think the guy has spies; it’s just what he does. He makes it his business to be in the wrong place at the right time. Pugs answers back very angrily.

Francesco Clemente:

I don’t think it’s all that personal for ‘em. It’s like he’s just always at the wrong place at the right time.

Puglisi(Pug Ugly) Bonazzi/Soldier:

You his freakin goomar now or something!?!

Francesco Clemente:

Shut your dame mouth and hear me out on this…

Panel 2

We are now on a busy city street. Francesco is walking down the street when he sees a building on fire. The Blaze is huge spreading gast, Francesco eyes pop open and shudders to see what’s going on.

Francesco Clemente

I was minding my own business, walking back from Frankies, when I saw this apartment building on fire…

Panel 3

He catches the Black bat jumping out the window with victims of the fire. In his hands are two young kids. You can here the fire truck in the back ground

Francesco Clemente

Oh shit, this is it. I got him masked freak!

Wheeeew, Wheeeeeew!
Panel 4

The mobster pulls runs over to a pay phone, knocking over a pedestrian who is using the phone to get to it.

Francesco Clemente:

Yo, Matertilli get Giuseppe on da phone, we have a chance to nail that hooded freak the Black Bat.

Panel 5

The mobster looks up to see the Black bat dive back into an inferno of fire. His cape had all ready been burned off with a crowd gathering near the building you can here fire trucks in the background, with kids crying also.

Panel 6

The mobster sees the Black Bat jump back out with a child and hands it off to its parent. They have a smile of joy; where in the black bat looks haggard and tired.

Panel 7

The mobster hangs up the phone, in amazement and astonishment. The fire fighters are putting out the flames, with the black bat escaping once more again.

Francesco Clemente:

I saw an opportunity but I couldn’t do it, I just couldn’t go through with it, he saved all of those people, hate to say it fella’s I was amazed.


Panel 1

They all look at him with disgust, and impatient for being amazed at the Black Bat. A young women walks in to fill their coffee, water with a pitcher one waves his hand to express to leave the scenery. She’s your typical leggy dame, beautiful soft spoken, with a mole on her face, with blonde hair. They all look at her figure as she walks past them and they all walk out.


Here you go fellas.
Panel 2

We have one of the don who is sitting in the front of the chair at all the men, and tells them he proposes a final solution to this Black Bat character teaming with The Black hand extortionist and hiring there enforcer who is the best assassins they have to rub out this hooded nuisance.

Niccolo (The Diplomat) Burroni:

I have proposition men, one that will eliminate this one particular enemy once and for all, and we won’t have to lift one single finger.

Panel 3

Lorenzo objects because they have no love for that organization. The Don intercedes and tells him the enemy of my enemy, meaning we can have the both of them wipe each other out of the picture and be rid of them both. Destroying two enemies that’s been a thorn in there side now for a couple of years.

Lorenzo Gravano:

I’m sorry Don, but I have to speak up about this, I want nothing to do with that organization, there poison as a whole.

Niccolo (The Diplomat) Burroni:

Okay point well taken but, we have an opportunity to wipe out both or enemies who have been a thorn in our side for a very,ery long time.

Panel 4

He tells his consigliore to make that phone to the associate’s of Shotgun Pete. (For that’s what well call him, ill think of a better name later.)

Niccolo (The Diplomat) Burroni:

Marazanno, make the call….


Panel 1

Another mobster stands up and shows the paper with the artist rendering of the Black bat. He tells the crew that this is their priority right now, nothing gets shipped out, nothing gets sold, no business goes down until he is killed and eliminated. He is very stern not load in his command second only to the gentle Don. So they all pay attention and take head.

Salvatore (Big Sal) Gianni:

This is important, the number one priority, we don’t get anything done until this is finished once and for all, kapish?
Panel 2

They all look at him with anger, saying that it sounds to them that they are suffering which they have been doing because of what this vigilante is doing to them.

Matteo Vitture:

Ah come on, we suffering because of that freak!

Carmine Darco:

Yeah Matteo is right; I gotta make my money at my club, that’s my livin boss! Ya breakin my balls!

Fancesco Clemete:

They make a point there Don, we gonna suffer because of him, come on, and cut us some slack ova here….
Panel 3

The Don interjects and tells them all yes; it is there fault, to let someone destroy what they have built regardless of what enemies they may have, and it’s worse because it’s an outsider.

Giuseppe Scipione:

Gentleman, please look at it from the other side, you all meet the same man who pretty much wiped out your men, yours! Our business operation has taken a 25% hit because your inept bungling. Now do us all a favor and take head, this is the word now!


Panel 1

The consigliore walks back in and whisper to there ear that the call is done and has been made to have a meeting with him.

Martelli Marazanno:

The call is done Don Scipione….
Panel 2

He reminds them all that they benefit from this and this will help them prosper and grow as an organization and sends a message to there enemies who is foolish to stick there nose where it don’t belong.

Giusseppe Scipione:

Have an understanding from this day on, this is the perfect opportunity to seize this moment, all of our enemies from this day forward once our plans are put into motion wont dare again strike against us ever again, understand this move is beneficial to all of us.

Panel 3

We are looking in at them from outside, There is a giant window, allowing all of them to be seen sitting at the table.

The Black Bat Caption:
Those scumbags are all mine, for the killing!


Panel 1

We see the Black bat moving in the shadows, his eyes shining bright in the darkness. This whole page should have captions from the mobsters about all the connections they learned throughout the story (He goes after both them and their enemies, He also does random acts of good, hides in the shadows, willing to kill in cold blood etc.)

Panel 2

A close shot of the Black Bat’s hands pulling out his 45’s, to pound them full of lead.

Panel 3

We’re back in the room of mobsters, looking at their backs. The moonlight shinning on them holds a silhouette of the Black bat over them. One mobster asks everyone else if they hear something.

Carmine Darco:

Hey guys, you hear something outside?
Panel 4

Biggest Panel
The black bat jumps off the building diving towards the window with the mobsters. He has his guns out in front of him ready to lay waste to the room full of mobsters. A full moon shins bright in the sky.

Black Bat Caption:

Those street urchin are mine!

Cast of Characters

The Scipione Crime Family

1 Anthony (The Ant) Fontana/Soldier

2 Niccolo (The Diplomat) Burroni/Underboss

3 Giuseppe (The Gentleman) Scipione/Boss

4 Carmine Darco/Caporegime

5 Francesco Clemente/Caporegime

6 Salvatore (Big Sal) Gianni/Underboss

7 Lorenzo (Big Ears) Gravano/Soldier

8 Giovanni (Pretty Boy) Romano/Soldier

9 Puglisi(Pug Ugly) Bonazzi/Soldier

10 Martilli Marazanno/Consigliere

The Black Bat (The Masked Killer Vigante)


Cuzmono – pussy
Fanook – queer
Jamook - idiot
Strunzo – piece of shit
Mooley – black person
Goomar - mistress